Thursday, April 17, 2008


Hi! Yesterday I took another shot at kettle corn from ingredients I pulled from different sights on the Internet. My first attempt was OK but you made the "sauce" separately on the stove and then you mix your popcorn into made it way too soggy...not to mention I put too much salt on it...oops... anyway, this way was much much better - Does it taste "as" good as what you get at a fair? No, but it is very very close... As I play with this recipe more and discover any new tricks I will defiantly share. Or if you know of any please let me know!! Anyway, it is very simple. You can use a pot that you have at home or I used my popcorn popper (even though the directions say not to put sugar in was fine though after I wiped all down when I was done) OK here we go...


*4 Tbs of vegetable oil (or enough to rest your kernels in)

*1/3 cup of popcorn kernels

*I used 1/3 cup of light corn syrup (I might try the regular (non-light) type next time though...)

*1/3 cup of white sugar

*Salt to taste

I put the oil in the popcorn popper and put the kernels on top and covered it and turned it on, once I saw the 1st one pop I began to put the corn syrup and sugar on top as they were popping away. (My popcorn popper is called 'Stir Crazy' and it has these handy holes on the top (well its there to melt butter on top of your popcorn popping - but this worked too!)

See it getting all steamy inside?

Once it is done poppin' add some salt - shake it up and begin your "taste testing". My daughter and I kept tasting and added salt as needed or you could add some sugar if you think it needs more. It was very good and very addicting...We ate the whole thing! (and could of used some more...)



Tara the Foodie said...

YUM! Kettle corn! Or should you have called it "Kettle Korn" in keeping with your blog's theme? Maybe you should only cook things that start with "K", what do ya think? haha... just kidding. I've had kettle corn before, but never homemade. Oh, and how CUTE are those popcorn holders you have?! Cute!


Thanks! Oh, I just tried doubling the recipe tonight...bad idea - just a note :) the corn syrup went crazy before the kernels popped... just thought I would mention :) Oh and the popcorn holders were the kids x-mas present...I went all over looking for something just like them and I finally ran across them at a drug store!! I was so happy! (I'm easily amused I know)

Thanks again!